Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Adventures In Cape Town - Part I

Hello friends.  It has been a very busy few days but I have way too many fabulous pictures to neglect this blog any longer.  Unfortunately, I've been having a few technical difficulties, so the pictures are in no way chronological.  Take a look anyways (next entry), and if you want the actual story, read below.

Before I delve into my day-by-day account, here are a few random observations and experiences:
1.  I have TONS of bug bites on the left side of my body.  Yes, only the left arm, left shoulder, and left leg.
2.  I have begun to buy things that I do not need: a keychain shaped like a red pepper and a tapestry made in Zambia.  Please tell me to stop.
3.  I have used half of my 12oz bottle of aloe in the past three days.
4. Without any pots or pans, I actually fried an egg in a brownie pan.  It was delicious.
5. The restaurant business is very laid back here to say the least.  When we didn't have exact change one night, the waitress rolled her eyes and then replied that she would have to go to the bank.

Last Friday was the first of our many "vacation" days.  We technically do not begin classes until the 18th of February, so besides the sporadic orientation events, we're on our own to explore Cape Town or wherever for the next couple of weeks.  A few people have actually already taken off for a week trip to Namibia.  While I've stayed around Cape Town, I have over the past week visited many beautiful beaches, museums, and I've even taken an overnight trip to the vineyards at Stellenbosch.  Here are a few highlights:

Friday, January 25 - Muizenberg and Kalk Bay
A bunch of us took a half hour train ride down to Muizenberg, a beach on False Bay.  After stepping off the train (actually jumping off because it apparently did no have time to stop) we were immediately stunned by the landscape: the enormous mountains one one side and the vast ocean on the other.  We attempted to set up on the beach, but combination of gusting wind and dry sand soon quickly became quite painful.  We then decided to walk along the shore to Kalk Bay, an apparently less windy spot.  My favorite part of this walk was finding myself in a pool built into the ocean, complete with hand-railings and steps.

Saturday, January 26 - A History Lesson
After experiencing the luxurious and touristy Kalk Bay, we headed into town for a more education excursion.  We first toured the Castle of Good Hope, one of Cape Town's oldest buildings.  (Nay, I know if you've made it this far you are making that snoring sound.  You can stop if you want.) We then continued to the District 6 Museum, an amazing museum focusing on apartheid.  I especially enjoyed reading various snippets of newspaper articles from the 60s (when District 6 was demolished) and the 90s (when it was restored).

Sunday, January 27 - More Beauty
On Sunday we visited Camps Bay, another absolutely stunning beach.  I was the only one to brave the very chilly Atlantic water, but it felt damn good.  We later caught up with other interstudy students at Kirstenbosch, a weekly outdoor/picnic-style concert.  We especially enjoyed watching the old folks dance to bad covers of Billy Joel and The Beatles.

Monday, January 28 - Bo-Kaap and Signal Hill
Let me just say that the Noon Gun Tearoom and Restaurant (where we had a delicious Malayan dinner) played "My Heart Will Go On."

Tuesday and Wednesday - STELLENBOSCH - more on this amazing trip next time. 

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Adventures In C.T. pics

A few chronologically jumbled pics (I'm having major formatting issues, hopefully to be resolved soon.)

January 28 - Isaac, Ian, Alex, me, and Jeremy at a bar on Long Street (downtown Cape Town).

January 28 - Table Mountain and the "tablecloth," the name given to the clouds that form on the top of the mountain and creep down its sides.  

January 28 - Alex, me, and Jeremy about halfway up our hike to Noon Gun Tearoom and Restaurant. We walked through the very cool neighborhood of Bo-Kaap and up Signal Hill before experiencing delicious Cape Malay food and breathtaking views from the restaurant. 

January 25 - Me and Alex in front of the changing rooms at Kalk Bay.

January 25 - The Brass Bell - an incredible restaurant in Kalk Bay. This place was actually built into the ocean! There were glass panes next to our table to protect us from the splashing waves. And the food was delicious. 

January 25 - Jeremy, Fran, Alex, and me on a stroll between Muizenberg beach and Kalk Bay.

January 25 - Adorable children in fabulous swimsuits. We sketchily took many pictures.

Friday, January 25, 2008

First Impressions

It's day 2(ish) in Cape Town and I am having a fabulous time!  It has not surprisingly been a very busy and tiring few days.  Rather than giving you guys that play by play, I'll just catch you up with a few stories. 

The trip from Boston to Cape Town was about 24 hours start to finish - air time accounted for about 17 of those hours.  There are a total of 62 students in my program and about 30 of us were on the same flight.  The food was surprisingly good, but then again I'm not a picky eater.

I am living in an apartment building called Helena Court that is about a ten minute walk from campus.  There are 8 or so apartments in Helena Court, each with 2 or 3 people.  I'm living with Justin, a foodball player from Amherst College, and Taylor, a fellow Barnard '09er.  I have my own very spacious room (my first single in college!) and the three of us share a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and patio.  We were all very content with out housing until we went to a braai (that's what we call BBQs here) at Osbourne, one of the beautiful student houses.  Jealousy aside, it was a very fun party that culminated in me climbing a tree and breaking the swing.  Needless to say, everyone in Osbourne just loves me.

It is HOT here.  We toured teh campus today (more on the absolutely beauty of campus later) and I think it was in the 90s!  I'm very happy to have met quite a few runners and I've been on a couple of beautiful and challenging runs.  (85 degree weather + running up a mountain = insanity?)

Another random tidbit: in South Africa, they drive on the left side of the road!  This has been the root of much confusion and a few near death experiences.  For a while, I just looked the wrong way when crossing the street, but after a couple of close calls, I have developed a very attractive head-shake move that allows me to cover all ground.  

Though I've been here for a couple days, I am still very much disoriented.  No one here seems to be as concerned with food as I am (go figure) so I've actually skipped a few meals.  When we arrived, interstudy had left us quite an assortment of "staple" foods: Cadbury chocolate, bread, sugar, peanut butter, and apples.  I have mainly been working the peanut butter and apply diet, although I hope to expand upon this soon - very soon.

Everything is very cheap.  The rand makes me feel like I am spending a lot of money (the exchange rate is currently about 7 rand to the US dollar) even though most items aremuch cheaper.  Our cab home last night for example was about 15 rand for 6 people.  

I am also proud to report that I have not yet lost a thing!  Though I have been accused of being "the worst," one of my friends here actually left his computer on the plane in Johannesburg!  He realized this at baggage claim and of course ran back to plane but somehow had already snatched it up.  He also left his drawing on the plane which he had been working on for pretty much the whole 17 hours.  I would laugh harder, but he's actually a pretty good guy, so you can all laugh for me.

Lastly, I want you all to have my cell phone number and address:

0712281177 (that's the cell)

Caroline Ott
c/o IAPO
3rd Level Kramer: Law Building
Middle Campus
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape
Republic of South Africa

If you don't are to spend that much money to speak to me, shame on you!  Actually, I think Skype would be a better idea all around.  I get very good and cheap wireless here, so send me an email (still using the columbia one - and let's set up a date.

Missing you all!

First Impressions - Pics

From top to bottom: University of Cape Town in all its glory (I must say, this building might even beat Low)

A tour of campus

Putting on sunblock with Olivia

Fine dining on South African airways